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Home / Sleep Sacks / Bamboo newborn sleep bag - Porto (1.0 tog)

Bamboo newborn sleep bag - Porto (1.0 tog)

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Getting baby to an healthy sleeping routine is not always easy. Made of viscose from bamboo, this Perlimpinpin new born cocoon is the first step to a safe sleep. Thanks to its reverse zipper, this new born sleep sack will make diaper changes so easy! You want your baby to benefit from the swaddle blanket offers but don't want to use the swaddle technique? This sleep bag is the solution. With arms in and arms out option, this baby sleeping bag clears from the crib loose blankets that can interfere with baby's breathing. A very popular item to put on your baby registry list.

The jersey knit fabric made of 70% viscose from bamboo and 30% cotton is ideal for babies with allergies and eczema. Enough bamboo to keep the properties of this unique fiber and just enough cotton to increase its durability. Baby's comfort is guaranteed! Canadian design.

helps baby get a longer sleep

helps soothe baby

well adjusted neck hole

protected chin

allows baby to bend and flex his/her legs

opens fully from bottom to easily change diaper

armholes available if needed

*Do not use if baby turns on his/her tummy