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Home / HEALING AMBER / Clasp Necklace 13" - Raw Gold

Clasp Necklace 13" - Raw Gold

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Baltic Amber Teething Necklaces are an excellent natural teething solution and can be worn for years after teething is over. Please note, all of our products are 100% natural baltic amber, therefore: sizes, colours and shapes may vary slightly.

Baltic Amber is a fossilized tree resin and comes in a variety of shapes and colours. Baltic Amber is made for wearing (not chewing or ingestion). Amber contains succinic acid, a natural analgesic and healing agent. Amber will warm against your body and the succinic acid will be absorbed through your skin helping with pain relief.

Safety Disclaimer - Please don't leave children unattended with their necklace or bracelet, it may present a chocking hazard.